Laceroots Mockup

The product:

This mockup design allows users to customize floral arrangements easily, without hidden fees. The intention was to build a website that is accessible and inclusive for users across all platforms including desktop, mobile and tablet.


Project duration:

January 2022 to February 2022.


The problem:

Pre-arranged florals can feel impersonal and miscommunicate intentions. Furthermore, existing sites that offer customized arrangements often have hidden fees causing feelings of mistrust and frustration.


The goal:

Design a responsive website that provides clear navigation for ordering customized floral arrangements.


My role:

UX/UI Designer from conception to delivery



Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.





What I learned:

I learned that the smallest design changes can completely change the user flow. It is important to perform user testing repeatedly until all of the user needs are met.



Adobe XD

Adobe Photoshop


View My Laceroots Case Study